What Type of PVC Cement Should I Use?

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A successful plumbing job requires the right tools for their work. PVC cement is a type of material used to join PVC pipes together. It is a flexible and durable product that can be used in a variety of applications, including structural, decorative, and waterproofing applications.

Most manufacturers have an assortment of different formulations for the product. Each formulation has its own specific properties and applications. This article will explain how you can identify which one you need for your project, and what the differences are between them.

Types of PVC Cement

For joining PVC pipes, it is not compulsory that you can only use PVC cement. There are other types of adhesive that works perfectly for this purpose:

PVC Cement

PVC cement is a type of cement used to bond PVC pipes. It hardens the plastic pipe so that it can be connected and easily run with an elbow or a T-joint. PVC cement clings to the pipes and protects them from corrosion. It is stronger than epoxy or putty, which makes it a popular choice for many DIYers.

Acrylic Cement

Acrylic cement is a water-based sealant used to repair broken pipes and fittings. It can withstand higher temperatures than most other types of PVC cement, often making it more suitable for use around the outdoors in landscape contexts.

Epoxy Cement

Epoxy is a type of plastic that cannot be scratched or cracked and will set hard rapidly. It can withstand UV light, mechanical damage, and high temperatures, making it an ideal adhesive for industrial applications such as food storage tanks.

Epoxy does not require additives to prevent cracking, but some formulations offer extra tackiness for easy lateral movement after curing.

Silicone Glue

Silicone glue is a type of acrylic resin which forms a flexible and water-resistant bond. Silicones are more rubbery than some other types, which compromises the adhesion strength of adhesive molecules on exposed surfaces.

But some formulations retain great stiffness between connections as well as create weather seals that keep out moisture and lessen freezing temperatures, particularly useful in outdoor applications such as swimming pools or restaurants.

Rubber Cement

Rubber cement is a type of acrylic resin that bonds plastic to metal, reducing the likelihood of damage from corrosion, allowing for surface finishing and end gluing.

Rubber cement is waterproof by design; however, it may get soft or lose its bond strength under certain circumstances after prolonged exposure to water. They have been used in military applications where it would be impractical to use epoxy glues due to their water compatibility.

Polyurethane glue

Polyurethane glue is a type of adhesive used to bond for many purposes, including gluing polyvinyl chloride (PVC) pipes too. The glue forms an insoluble, flexible bond between the two materials and is often used in applications where strength and flexibility are important.

It can be used for securing polyvinyl chloride joints together and provides a permanent, weather-tight seal. However, it does not provide protection against moisture and must not be embedded in another material to prevent cracking of the surface layer.

Final Words

In order to find the best type of PVC cement, you must consider what is most important to you. For example, if your objective is to have a strong and durable finish on your project, then a high-quality epoxy cement would be the way to go.

However, if you are looking for a product that is easy to use and leaves a smooth finish on your surface, then acrylic or silicone glue would be the way to go.


Why should I use a primer before using PVC cement?

Primers are typically used before using PVC cement to increase adhesion. Primers can also be used with epoxy resin to increase their bonding strength.

They help prepare the surface of the object to make sure that it is smooth and clean for the adhesive to adhere well. The primer will also act as a release agent by preventing air bubbles from forming in the joint, which can reduce cracking and/or peeling over time.

How long should I wait after gluing a PVC pipe?

After gluing the pipe, you should wait at least 6 hours for curing to take place. This can be done by placing it in a dry location consistent with room temperature and heat. The glue will begin forming solids within this time so that after an hour or two of curing, it is ready for use if desired.

What adhesive do I use to bond wood to PVC board?

There are many different kinds of adhesives to bond wood to PVC boards. The most common adhesive is called polyurethane glue. It is used by professionals because it sets fast and really hard.

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